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You will only speak English with us

Medical treatments abroad in English

We guarantee that your doctor speaks English and you get his personal mobile phone. We also provide concierge service from beginning to end in English, too.

A good communication in English

Communication is one of the keys to any successful treatment. It is therefore essential for you to make yourself understood to your doctor and for you to grasp all his/her explanations.

Moreover, we are perfectly aware that any operation implies a certain level of stress and that you do not need this increased by being sent to a doctor who does not speak English (and therefore needs a translator who speaks English but doesn’t know medicine), or speaks it poorly.

This is why all doctors selected by Novacorpus are either English mother tongue or speak very good English and will conduct their appointments with you in this language.

Our doctors often speak at least two languages, or even three, which increases their open-mindedness and ability to understand patients from abroad.