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Dental Crown

Fantastic teeth with 75% savings on dental crowns compared to UK prices

From £205

A dental crown allows you to re-establish both the dental function and cosmetics of a highly damaged tooth. A dental crown is a ceramic dental prosthesis which replaces the visible part of a tooth which has had to be cut due to significant dental cavities or following a dental fracture due to an accident or extracted. It can be fixed to a tooth or to a dental implant. The price of a dental crown is particularly attractive abroad.

Fantastic teeth with 75% savings on dental crowns compared to UK prices

From £205

Why choose Novacorpus Dental Crowns?

– Save up to 75% compared to UK dental treatment costs with our guaranteed price.

– Access world-class quality dental clinics and latest dental technology.

– Be fully-insured to cover complications.

– Travel with low-cost flights and sleep in affordable hotels.

– Speak English with our concierge service and all our doctors (no translators).

– Benefit from top specialist dentists selected by Novacorpus, the only medical tourism company founded and directed by a medical doctor.

Photos before & after dental crown


Dental Crown Price Comparison

Novacorpus Price


Dental Crown – Ceramic over Metal

From £335

Dental Crown – 100% Ceramic (zirconium, no metal)



Dental Crown – Ceramic over Metal

From £205

Dental Crown – 100% Ceramic (zirconium, no metal)

From £350

Usual UK Price

Dental Crown – Ceramic over Metal


Dental Crown – 100% Ceramic (zirconium, no metal)


The expertise and the quality of the dental laboratory have a big impact on the price. Our dental crown prices guarantee quality material and an experienced laboratory using fine dental materials. Our dentists have a lot of experience with zirconium crowns and will always give you the choice between a usual metal ceramic crown and a zirconium crown (without metal). They perform regular continuous medical education. They also use the latest technology to sterilise their material and respect high hygiene standards. Be attentive to these points when comparing quotes of different clinics.

The following is included in our price: all medical treatment (Quote, consultations with the dentist, dental crown, unlimited concierge service before, during and after your stay for medical and non medical demands. According to the destination, transfers and hotel accomodation might also be included in the price. See the dental clinics’ price pages for more details:



What is the difference between a dental prosthesis, a dental crown and a dental bridge?

Dental prothesis

The term dental prostheses refers to 2 types of prostheses :

1) Removable dental prosthesis – total or partial, also referred to as dentures. The disadvantage is its lack of stability and great discomfort, as the prosthesis has to fasten to adjacent teeth using metallic hooks or be stuck as best one can to naked gums . A prosthesis for the upper teeth often has to be placed on the palate. This encumbers taste perception and changes your way of talking. To solve this problem, a removable prosthesis can be fixed to dental implant, thus allowing for a very great improvement in stability and mastication.

2) Fixed dental prosthesis: The ideal solution in terms of aesthetics and mastication, this type of prosthesis is called a dental crown when it only replaces a single tooth or a dental bridge when it replaces several teeth. By definition, it is fixed (cemented) to one or more teeth or dental implants. Dental prostheses are manufactured by a prosthetic technician. The work is done by hand. The quality of the result depends on the material used (ceramic-metallic element of bridge, gold and ceramic element of bridge or 100% ceramic element of bridge, made of zirconium), the time spent and the talent of the prosthetic technician.

Dental bridge

A dental bridge is a series of dental crowns stuck together. We can distinguish two cases:

1) When several adjacent teeth need to be treated, we fit a bridge on all the teeth concerned

2) When a tooth needs to be replaced and it is not possible to fit a dental implant, we fit a bridge supported by the two adjacent teeth. Such a bridge has a good appearance and is perfectly functional. It’s disadvantage is that two healthy teeth have to be cut and the bone below the tooth which is being replaced is reduced little by little, which is not the case with a dental implant.

What are the treatment stages?

The time taken to complete a bridge is around 2 to 5 days.

1) Preparation of the teeth under local anaesthetic – the teeth are sculpted to receive the future dental bridge.

2) Taking a cast of the teeth to be treated (to prepare a bridge which is perfectly suited to your teeth).

3) Fitting a provisional bridge (for aesthetic purposes and to protect the teeth during the preparation of the permanent bridge).

4) Fitting a permanent dental bridge which gives the teeth a natural aesthetic appearance once more, as well as normal mastication function. In principle, a bridge lasts for decades.

5) If the bridge is fitted on an implant, step 1 is replaced by the fitting of the dental implants.

Price of a dental crown: what makes dentists' prices vary?

– The number of dental crowns.
– The material used for the dental prosthesis: we can distinguish 3 possibilities of ceramic bridges:
   > Ceramic and metabridge: metal alloy with ceramic covering:
  • Advantage: price (cheapest dental bridge).
  • Disadvantages: as time goes on, the gums retract to leave the metal base of the bridge visible, which may look like a black stain on the gum. Also, the bridge’s metallic base makes it less translucent than a real tooth, which reduces its natural appearance. For these reasons, this kind of dental bridge is not often used for very visible teeth.


   > Gold and ceramic bridge:

  • Advantage: gold is a metal which does not cause allergies and has the reputation of being the metal easiest to use for bridges.
  • Disadvantages: the same as for ceramic + metal bridges above, and the bridge is much more expensive due to a the very high price of gold.


   > 100% ceramic bridge (or zircon or zirconium bridge):

  • Advantage: even for a dentist, it is almost impossible to tell that this is a dental bridge, as its appearance is so much like the natural white of a tooth. As there is no metal base, this makes the bridge translucent and there is no metal to appear when the gum retreats
  • Disadvantage: none, apart from a higher price than that of a ceramic + metal bridge


– The dental surgery’s set expenses: mainly influenced by the country in which it is situated (assistants’ salaries, premises and therefore rent, duties, VAT, professional tax)

– Investments made in the dental surgery and dental prosthesis (continuous training, cutting edge material). A dentist and/or prosthetic technician who regularly follows training programmes and attends training sessions will be more effective and will use the most modern techniques, especially if he/she has invested in cutting edge material.

Is it worth travelling for 2 crowns?

Going abroad is worth it economically from 2 crowns upwards, but patients who combine the trip with their holidays travel are just as likely to come for a single crown, as we offer means to reduce your travel costs, e.g. possibility of brief stays of 24 – 48 hours, which reduces accommodation costs, possibility of coming by car, preferential prices in certain hotels.

What will happen if a complication arise abroad of after my return?

We will do everything in our power to avoid this, through selecting up-to-date doctors and clinics. These doctors will give you all the necessary recommendations for good post-operative follow-up and will eventually recommend you a colleague near to where you live if necessary for a certain period. It is, however, impossible to eliminate all risks of complication in medicine. It should be noted that complications are not necessarily attributable to the doctor’s responsibility. They can sometimes occur due to a pre-existing condition, bad luck, or negligence by the patient. This is as likely to happen in your own country as it is elsewhere.

For this reason, we work with the world leader in insurance. We thus offer you the possibility of taking out insurance which only we offer and which will cover risks of medical complications associated with voluntary operations both abroad and for 6 months after your return. This insurance also covers the costs of returning abroad, including accommodation. Any emergency treatment linked to your initial treatment is also covered, both abroad and for 6 months after your return, up to the equivalent of £6,500 to £15,000. If you refuse to return to the doctor/dentist who carried out your operation/treatment abroad, you may choose another practitioner in your country of residence and the costs will be covered,too. This insurance can only be taken out if you have your initial operation/treatment in a country other than your country of residence.

Moreover, we only work with practitioners and clinics who offer a guarantee. The duration of this guarantee varies (1 year to lifelong) and restrictions may be mentioned by the doctor or clinic (for example: exclusion of the consequences of an accident, a systemic illness, lack of hygiene, etc.) This guarantee nevertheless requires another trip abroad. In the event of an emergency, you may have to consult another practitioner closer to home. If you have not taken out insurance and NHS refuses to cover you, you may have to bear at least part of these costs

Why is it possible to make such big savings through going abroad to be treated?

You will indeed make large savings through going abroad to be treated. Find out more. Nevertheless, we also recommend that good quality treatment should be your priority and that you should carefully seek advice before leaving as regards the doctor and clinic.

Are there any particular risks in going abroad for treatment?

No, as long as you follow certain rules. We are very strict in selecting our foreign partners as we want to be sure that we can place our complete trust in the doctor with whom we are going to work.
We also insist on the fact that you must follow to the letter all instructions which the doctor will give you on site (above all these will be recommendations linked to common sense, for example, rest after the operation). There are no more risks when being treated abroad than there are in your own country. As in all areas, it is impossible to eliminate risks 100%, however the risk of treatment abroad is no higher than in your own country.

May I go abroad with a family member/a friend?

Of course, indeed we would recommend this. Going for treatment abroad is much more pleasant in good company. The slight increase in cost associated with being accompanied (train or plane fare and hotel) is largely compensated for by the benefits of having someone with you.

For more answers, please see our full Dental Surgery FAQs page or contact us with the form below and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.