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Laser Eye Surgery Doctors & Clinics

How did we choose our clinics and surgeons?

Our criteria to choose our eye clinics

1) Up to date technology (at least as recent as that available in UK)

2) Medical quality at least equivalent to the highest quality criteria in UK

3) At least 1500 laser eye operations per year

4) Prices lower than in UK, set prices and guarantee on the quality of treatment offered

5) Clinic allowing you to choose the doctor who operates on you

6) Operation possible within a timeframe of approximately 15 days

7) Comfort at least equivalent to the criteria for private clinics in UK

8) A warm welcome

9) Accessibility (town centre, near to station or airport, parking nearby, etc.)

10) Clinic inspected by Dr. Stephane de Buren

Our criteria to choose our eye surgeons

1) Medical training: in a Western country or of a quality at least equivalent to the training available in UK

2) Experience: at least 500 operations performed/year ensuring regular practice

3) English: mother tongue or excellent mastery of the language

4) Ongoing training: regular participation in international conferences

5) Member of at least one recognised association of specialists

6) Attitude orientated towards patients’ interests (explanation of treatment possibilities, ability to reassure the patient and encourage them to relax)

7) Reputation

8) Medical malpractice insurance

9) Positive testimonies from patients treated recently

10) Doctor observed in consultation with his patients and/or during at least one operation by Dr. Stephane de Buren

Doctors & Clinics By Location

Eye Doctor & Clinic in Grenoble, France

Cutting-edge clinic in France for your eye surgery Novacorpus’ partner eye clinic in France is situated in the scientific capital of France: Grenoble. The clinic is specialised in refractive surgery. This …

Eye Doctors & Clinics in Istanbul, Turkey

Cutting-edge ophthalmological clinic in Istanbul for your eye surgery: Novacorpus’ partner ophthalmological clinic in Turkey is situated in Istanbul. It specialises in refractive surgery. More than 20,000 operations are carried …

Comparison Table of our 2 Clinics



Surgeon’s years of experience

>20 years

Number of operations per year


Quality standards (accreditation by certified bodies)

ISO 9001

Operation techniques

 Lasik femtosecond
(+some PRK)

Surgeon’s level of English


Length of stay and check-ups

24h on site (one night with 1st check-up the following morning),

The following check-ups at 10 and 30 days possible elsewhere

Insurance covering complications



1 year (treatment re-done free of charge). Travel costs (plane and hotel) paid for by insurance


£1,230 per eye

Included in the price

Pre-operative examinations, consultation, operation, post-operative check-up in Grenoble, concierge service before, during and after the surgery by Novacorpus



Not sure about Turkey?
Then read why the five myths about Turkey are not true.

Surgeon’s years of experience

>20 years

Number of operations per year

>20,000 (largest private eye
clinic in the world)

Quality standards (accreditation by certified bodies)

JCI (American,
strictest in the world)

TÜV (German)

ISO 9001

Operation techniques

Lasik femtosecond
(+some PRK & implants)

Surgeon’s level of English


Length of stay and check-ups

4 days on site with 1st check-up the day after the operation.
The following check-ups at 10 and 30 days possible elsewhere

Insurance covering complications



1 year (treatment re-done free of charge, accommodation covered). Travel costs (plane fare) paid for by insurance.


from £700 per eye

Included in the price

Pre-operative examinations, consultation, operation, post-operative check-up in Istanbul, 3 nights at the clinic in an individual private room, all transfers, concierge service before, during and after the surgery by Novacorpus