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Prices for Eye Surgery in Grenoble, France

What to check when comparing prices:

The technique and the type of laser used have an impact on the price. Be attentive to these points when comparing quotes of different clinics.

– Some clinics still use old-fashioned lasers (ours are of the latest generation)

– Some are not equipped with femtosecond laser (100% laser procedure) and only use an excimer laser. A lasik procedure that is not a femtosecond lasik procedure is clearly not a good choice (our only perform femtosecond lasik procedures)

Our prices include:

Always check what is included in the price and what is the currency. Our prices are in Pounds and include:

1) pre-operative examinations including wavefront calculation with aberrometer (personalized analysis of your eye)

2) all consultations with an English-speaking eye surgeon at the clinic

3) ISO quality-accredited clinic

4) the operation with latest generation femtosecond and excimer lasers including a personalised cornea correction

5) all post-operative checkups in Grenoble

6) all medication during your stay

7) medical file with all relevant documents

8) our concierge service to organise your stay and help you before, during and after the procedure

9) one year guarantee (do not value longer guarantee, it is unnecessary)

10) possibility of coverage by the world leader of insurances

11) flight costs, transfers from and to the airport and accommodation in a good but affordable hotel close to the clinic are not included but account for less than 10 to 15% of the surgery price.


– Certain private health insurance schemes offer at least partial reimbursement.

– Do not hesitate to ask your insurance if they reimburse this procedure

Laser Eye Surgery Price in France

Novacorpus price

Your savings

£1,175 per eye  – £2,350 for both eyes


Femtosecond lasik
(per eye)


(per eye)


Normal price in UK

per eye – femtosecond


Common Total Package Pricing

Laser Eye Surgery

Total surgery price including travel, hotel and transfer costs:

– Surgery Price (femtosecond lasik, 2 eyes): £2,250

– Travel costs: only £235

   > Flight London to Lyon (and return) (Thursday through Saturday): £85

   > Transfers from/to Grenoble by shuttle: £30

   > 2 nights in Grenoble in Hôtel de l’Europe (close to the clinic): £120

Total price for both eyes with all travel costs:
£2,485 instead of £4,600 in the UK.

you save £3’325!

Guaranteeing the best service

See why:

– this price is great for such an outstanding eye clinic

– you benefit from service provision which is unique to us (e.g. cutting-edge clinic, unlimited concierge service or insurance covering all medical risks).

– it is possible to have such low prices without sacrificing quality and see Novacorpus’ policy on price