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How does treatment for dental implants work?

You will receive a treatment programme and an estimate of the cost. The treatment will be finished after 6 weeks to 6 months depending on your situation.


The whole process looks like this:

1) The Novacorpus dentist that you select will provide you with a treatment programme as well as an estimate of the cost based on your panoramic X-ray and possibly a CT scan too. Depending on the condition of your teeth and your jaw bone, the treatment can get underway directly or some preliminary treatment may be required (tooth restoration, bone transplant).

2) If necessary the tooth or teeth will be removed during the first visit and the dental implant treatment will take place if possible. The patient will be given a local anaesthetic for this. Using a special drill, the dentist prepares the bone for the size and position of the planned implant. Thanks to the anaesthetic, this procedure is completely pain free. The dental implant is then fitted. Most systems use a screw thread so that the implant is held firmly in place. A screw lock is placed on the implant and then the gum is sewn back up.

3) After the operation the area affected is kept cool, to keep any swelling to a minimum. If you so wish, you will also be given painkillers and if necessary you may also be treated with antibiotics. You will of course be given a temporary dental prosthesis for the implant healing period which begins now.  So during every phase of the treatment, you will always have teeth. When there are no complications, the implant healing takes approximately 6 to 12 weeks, after which the permanent crown or bridge can be fitted.

4) When this takes place, the healing screws are first removed and replaced with support pillars. A dental cast of your teeth is made so that the prosthetic technician can use it to make your crown or bridge. It generally takes 2 to 5 days to produce a prosthesis. Your dentist can then fit your permanent dental prosthesis, and in most cases this will be cemented so that it is extremely stable.


You can imagine the treatment phase looking like this:

a) Beginning of month 1: dental extraction/ dental implant

b) 6 weeks to 6 months (according to your situation): implant healing, temporary prosthesis

c) After 6 weeks to 6 months: dental cast of jaw

d) 2 to 5 days: laboratory prepares permanent prosthesis (crown or bridge)

e) After 2 to 5 days: Permanent prosthesis is fitted (crown or bridge)

Picture of Dr. Stephane de Buren

Dr. Stephane de Buren

Dr. Stephane de Buren is the Founder and CEO of Novacorpus International Healthcare. Drawing on an atypical career path for a doctor, and extensive experience in different areas associated with health, he has become the first medical doctor to found a company organising healthcare abroad combining cutting-edge treatment with prices allowing for substantial savings.

Picture of Dr. Stephane de Buren

Dr. Stephane de Buren

Dr. Stephane de Buren is the Founder and CEO of Novacorpus International Healthcare. Drawing on an atypical career path for a doctor, and extensive experience in different areas associated with health, he has become the first medical doctor to found a company organising healthcare abroad combining cutting-edge treatment with prices allowing for substantial savings.

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